iPUP Mini-Grant Description, Policies, and Procedures
iPUP Mini-Grant Description

The international Partner Universities and Programs (iPUP) mini-grant program was created in an effort to further support Sacred Heart University’s academic partnerships abroad. Available to full-time SHU faculty and staff interested in visiting one of our partner international universities or programs, the iPUP mini grant is designed to complement existing faculty and staff travel plans.

The iPUP mini-grant is designed to complement already confirmed international visits by SHU tenured or tenure-track faculty or staff. Once a SHU faculty or staff member has solidified international travel plans, the mini-grant may provide supplementary funds to enable him or her to visit partner institutions on behalf of the university. Please note: The iPUP mini-grant is not able to support costs related to airfare or conference fees. Those who apply for an iPUP mini grant should already have funding to cover their entire trip.

Selected awardees will visit a partner university or program during their existing international travels on behalf of the university. These visits allow faculty and staff to represent the university and strengthen existing partnerships, deepen relationships, and/or expand opportunities to generate additional research collaboration.

A limited number of iPUPs are available each fiscal year. Coordinating the visit will be in collaboration with the Office of Global Affairs and the host institution.

Participation in the iPUP mini-grant program will enable Sacred Heart University and program participants to:
  • Share specific SHU faculty research interests with faculty and students at educational institutions abroad;
  • Increase their understanding of university academics and operations at a partner institution abroad; and
  • Strengthen relations between SHU and partner institutions.
The iPUP mini-grant program is designed to complement already existing travel plans by providing funding for one additional night of accommodation (or on rare occasions, two nights), local travel to the institution, and/or additional meals. Potential iPUP candidates will agree to participate in at least two of the following suggested activities:
  • Campus-wide, department, or classroom lectures to faculty, staff, and/or students at partner institutions;
  • Informal meetings or gatherings with faculty, staff, and/or students at partner institutions;
  • Meetings with staff or administrators from partner institutions;
  • Meetings with your position counterpart at partner institutions.
Depending on local costs, the Office of Global Affairs will provide funding between $100 and $400 to participating faculty or staff. Criteria for acceptance into the program will be based on an applicant’s ability to demonstrate how his or her visits will help advance Sacred Heart’s international agenda through strengthening partnerships, and/or expanding opportunities to generate additional research collaboration and external funding.

If a grant is awarded, the Office of Global Affairs will facilitate introductions and assist in coordinating arrangements with the relevant partner institution(s).  Prior to departure, participating faculty and staff will be asked to attend a meeting with the Director of Global Affairs in which they will discuss goals and intentions for visits, review itineraries, discuss talking points, and receive other necessary items (i.e. gifts, flash drives with general SHU information to be added or incorporated into presentations or lectures).

Upon returning, a brief trip report (1-3 pages) must be submitted to the Office of Global Affairs within 30 days in an effort to capture visit details in a timely fashion, along with a completed Travel Reimbursement Voucher.  Receipts are required for all items of reimbursement. Detailed report requirements can be found in the iPUP Policies and Procedures information below. Without the report and a properly completed Travel Reimbursement Voucher, funds will not be disbursed.

Participants will be reimbursed according to the SHU Business Office travel policy.  
iPUP Mini-Grant Policies and Procedures
  • Strengthen Sacred Heart’s relationships with partner institutions in various countries;
  • Expand opportunities to generate additional research collaboration and funding.
  • Tenure and tenure-track faculty and full-time staff members are eligible;
  • Applicants must already have confirmed international travel plans;
  • Applicants must demonstrate how their participation in the program supports Sacred Heart’s international agenda;
  • Individuals can apply and be accepted no more than once per fiscal year.
Application Procedures
  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, per fiscal year.
Reimbursement Procedures
  • Trip report: Within 30 days of returning to campus, a 1-2 page report must be submitted to the Office of Global Affairs detailing visits and any outstanding issues noted for follow-up;
  • Expense report: Within 30 days of returning to campus, a completed Travel Reimbursement Voucher, with relevant receipts attached, must be submitted to the Office of Global Affairs for review and signature.  Please contact the Business Office if you need instructions on how to properly complete the Travel Reimbursement Voucher;
  • The Director of Study Abroad will review, sign, and send the Travel Reimbursement Voucher to the Business Office within 30 days of receipt of a completed Travel Reimbursement Voucher.
Report Guidelines
Within 30 days of returning to campus a 1-3 page report must be submitted to the Office of Global Affairs including the following information:
  • Exact dates of visits;
  • Names and contact information of people visited;
  • Results of visits and planned next steps;
  • Outstanding issues to be addressed by Sacred Heart University or the Office of Global Affairs.
Award Terms
Prior to travel each participant will receive:
  • Pre-departure meeting with the Director of Study Abroad;
  • Flash drive with promotional materials and information on international efforts at Sacred Heart;
  • Gifts from Sacred Heart to share during visits.
Awards range from $100 to $400
  • Award amounts are based upon location and number of visits made;
  • Awards are made to reimburse participants for costs related to lodging, local ground transportation, and meals associated with program;
  • All acceptable expenses are included in the SHU Business Office travel policy.  
Please note: The iPUP program is not able to support costs related to airfare or conference fees.